Program ads are available now!
Advertise with us!
West Springfield's theatre program is going virtual - that's a lot of potential customers at each performance, browsing the show program and reading your ad!
Family and friends can also take out personal ads to congratulate cast and crew!
All inside ads are printed in grayscale. The back cover may be full color.
Allow for 1/8-inch margins in your ad design.
Camera-ready art (a .jpg/.jpeg or .pdf file) is preferred.
Sample program page with a quarter page ad, two eighth page ads, and one half page ad.
Eighth page (business card) - $25
Quarter page (2" x 5") - $35
Half page (4" x 5") - $60
Full Page (8" x 5") - $90
Full Page inside cover - $100
Full Page outside back cover - $110 (color ad)